Tuesday, December 18, 2007

why don't you do something

literally. i'm so bored at home.
even the wait before going out at 1 feels forever.
my mind & emotions have gone haywire a bit recently;
perhaps i'm still finding myself after all.

emotions are indeed powerful.
control them or they control you;
and you end up doing stupid things.
being impulsive & expressive,
it's tough sometimes.
sometimes you just wanna get things off your sleeve.
sometimes you just wanna let people know how you feel.
but nah, i ain't gonna be rash.
if things are meant to be or whatsoever, it will.
saying a few more words doesn't really change everything.
just that now, i'm hearing thoughts and experiencing emotions
which are so not me and it's kinda scary.

that for later,
off to meet fareez (:

happy 19th' hendra.