olympics is over, i'm gonna miss it.
too bad brazil didnt get to defend it's world's champion title for volleyball.
but still, they were good.
combined was crazy, yet great.
it sure was hell was tiring
from preping the ppt slides, planning games
and even running about the games and also ensuring matters were settled.
but then again, i guess im pretty used to all these.
at least i can take a break.
speaking of which,
i don't study on weekends.
being so caught up with church and church peeps
i'm all so busy and tired to study.
but now as sch resumes tmr,
fear is gripping me.
i wanna do well,
at least well enough to go to uni.
GOD help me please.
sometimes, it's really great to care for others.
and it's even greater when they respond and appreciate your company.
reaching out to others is never easy,
but GOD will help me do what's right and wise.
i truly thank GOD for church friends,
today while departing for home
i suddenly realise my wallet was missing.
didn't want to catch any unwanted attention so i went abt searching quietly,
but as i started to panic a lil in the church office admist the searching
bro mat asked me "looking for something?"
i was like yeah i think i lost my wallet.
immediately EVERYONE in the office stopped their mini conversations,
got up from their seats
and went all over church wallet-hunting.
well, i eventually found it
but it was really great seeing how everyone was
actively and sincerely helping me locate my wallet
also, the smile on their faces when i eventually found it =)
but it was kinda retarded, having like 6 other guys
helping me search for my wallet.
yup guys from my age, adults and almost senior citizens too helping me.
thanks alot man!
church rocks.
i finally got to see you after so long
and sometimes i really wonder..
but then again, i ought to move on.
back to studying for me, then.